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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Justin Bieber’s Comics by Elizabeth

My daughter, Elizabeth, is six-and-a-half.  She loves to climb trees, she loves school, she loves to read, she loves her sister, and she loves Justin Bieber.  Seriously.  She’s going to marry him.  She’s got two Justin Bieber tee-shirts, a Justin Bieber night shirt, several Justin Bieber “story of his life” books, and she now has a big Justin Bieber poster push-pinned into her wall.


Today she wrote a Justin Bieber comic, and honestly, I’m not sure what to make of it. 

While it does show creativity and talent for such a young child, why is my first-grader drawing pictures of kids kissing with their tongues?  At least they date and get married… and I love the hearts in their eyes as they stand together at their wedding! 

And I also appreciate that the boy in her comic looks scared to death at the thought of actually kissing this girl!! 

I’m not sure what her comic has to do with Justin Bieber…except as an ode (and maybe a dream) that it would one day be her and Justin standing with hearts in their eyes.  :)

I have no idea what’s going on in the first frame… or where the comment about the hobos comes from.   I asked her about it, and she said “yeah, the were dressed like hobos”.  As if that explained everything.  Oh, the mind of a six year old.


Justin Bieber’s Comics by Elizabeth



Ha Ha Ha, I love this expression!  100_7062

Even funnier, as I go back and reread her comic, it took me a while to figure out what it says in the talk bubble in the “They Dated” frame.  Do you see it?  Elizabeth has drawn a fart bubble coming out of his butt.  She’s written it backwards… really, her mind is intriguing. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Steel Rings! New this Week!

Come see what’s new with soulenergy If you’re looking for handmade, truly OOAK (one-of-a-kind) jewelry, this is the place to find it!  I’ve been having a blast creating new OOAK steel rings this week!  As I’ve said before, the exciting thing about working with steel is that you never know exactly what the final piece is going to look like.  I always have an idea, but steel is fickle.  Sometimes the piece just gets a mind of it’s own, and I have to either go with it, or start over. 


Please excuse my winter-dry, just had a birthday this week alligator hands!